Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Calendar Needs a Diet!

It has been a busy month! My friends have barely heard from me. I haven't blogged. Communication is so easily neglected when I'm busy. Seriously, I had no intention of starting a blog and then abandoning it. Unfortunately, I just let myself get overscheduled once again!

My calendar needs to go on a serious diet! The stuff that crowded my time was bad stuff… it was just too much stuff.

First, my mom came to visit for over a week. I really wanted to spend as much time with her as I could. Then I had a week of Vacation Bible School. Ours is conveniently held in the evenings, allowing me to rush from work every night to go teach the 2nd Grade. It was fun, but totally exhausting (especially after working 8 to 9 hours every day)! Plus, it was my first year teaching so I was completely overwhelmed. There was Father's Day, then my niece's birthday. When we had a break, Hubby and I had to do some work on the house. Then we had a few days where I tried to catch up on some housework (ok, so communication isn't the only thing that gets neglected). And it all ended with a 10-day trip to Florida! Yes, that was all within the last 30 days!

My excited 2nd Grade VBS class!

Looking back, I could have saved myself some major headaches if I had simply said "No" to VBS. I never had a problem saying "No" in the past. (It's a skill that took years to master.) However, my sweet, dear friend Judy took over as the VBS director this year and she has a God-given gift of asking people to volunteer... and getting them to say yes.

It's hard to say "No" to someone who sends you Bible verses and tea bags in the mail. It's even harder when it was your own husband who helped teach her exactly how to ask people.

Several years ago (circa 2 B.L.D. - Before Little Dude), Hubby volunteered to ride on the church bus that picked up kids in the surrounding neighborhood every week. He didn't do it because anyone pressured him; he did it because no one else stepped up. (That's just the kind of Knight in Shining Armor he is!) However, when Little Dude came along, he decided to take a break from the bus ministry. Judy, who rounds up these children through her children’s Bible clubs, was really worried about finding someone to fill his position. So Mike helped her out. He went with her to find his replacement.

After that, Judy became an unstoppable force! And I actually said “Yes” to VBS!

Hubby helped by making some of my VBS decorations, like this city scape!

Sure… it made my schedule extra hectic, but VBS was a really good experience. Although challenging at times, the kids were really great for the most part.

In fact, everything that crowded my calendar this past month was stuff I enjoyed doing. But I guess I have to learn the whole “everything in moderation” rule!


  1. Seriously missed you & your mom during your "running-silent" phase! Glad you had a wonderful break.

    Candy is the one who taught me to say "no". She said, "You put your cheeks like this & take your tongue..."

  2. It took me many years to learn to just say "no." I'm sure I had "professional volunteer" tattooed on my forehead! Sometimes it helps to just postpone the answer until you really have time to think and pray on it. That way you don't feel so mean by saying "no" immediately.
