Saturday, April 9, 2011

Addressing the State of Stress

I was reminded that April is Stress Awareness Month. Sheesh! I'm usually pretty aware of my current level of stress. But maybe it's not my stress I need to be aware of. Maybe it's everyone else's.

Whether they show it or not, I'm sure most of the people I see everyday are stressed out. And what isn't there to be worried about right now? With a high rate of unemployment, plummeting home values, rising inflation, a volatile stock market, and so much more, we have a variety of things to fuss over.

Maybe we should all start posting our own Stress Level Warning Chart. It could be similar to the Terror Alert chart that Homeland Security Uses.

What do you think?

If everyone had one of these then we'd probably be a little more understanding. Hey, you just cut me off on the freeway! Oh wait, I'm sorry, I didn't see that your stress level is Severe today. Or You were really snippy and rude, but hey, that's understandable when your stress level is Elevated. Here's some chocolate.

So I think I'll use this month to try to be more aware of other people's stress instead of my own, which means more patience and less irritation. Plus, if anything, it will at least put my own problems in perspective.


  1. I wonder if a mood ring would work for this? We certainly can't rely on people to know what their true stress level is, can we? LOL

  2. Maybe T-shirts would do the trick or at least prominently displayed pins that could alert other people to our stress level. A lot of misunderstanding could be avoided that way.

  3. Mood ring, shmood ring. Unless someone is wearing it on their middle finger as they thrust their hand out of their car window, I probably wouldn't notice the ring... or that it was as black as their mood. Now a mood T-shirt is a good idea. At least I could see the warning before I got too close. Too bad we can't have warnings posted on cars, office doors, or anywhere visible 20 yards away. Trust me, if my stress level is "Severe," you'll want to stay as far away as possible! Just throw the chocolate and run! :-)
